CSR Services 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Care beyond numbers...

Corporate social responsibility refers to a company’s effort to take actions that have a positive impact on society, the environment, and its employees, beyond its fundamental economic performance. At Ambiever we provide our clients with advice and services for the design, implementation, and management of corporate social responsibility programs. 

Why CSR?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can have many benefits, both for businesses and for society and the environment. Among the main benefits are the following:
1. Enhanced Business Reputation: CSR activities can contribute to building a positive image for the company. When a business demonstrates commitment to society and the environment, it can have a positive impact on its business reputation and attract consumers and investors.

2. Increased Competitiveness: Consumers tend to prefer companies that are committed to CSR. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales, thus improving the company’s position in the market.

3.Improved Employee Relations: Investing in social responsibility demonstrates the company’s care for its employees. This can enhance job satisfaction, increase employee retention, and help attract new talent.
4. Innovation Development: Focusing on CSR can encourage the development of innovations that can have a positive impact on society and the environment, while also contributing to the development of new products and services.
5. Enhanced Corporate Policies: CSR can strengthen the company’s awareness of social justice, environmental issues, and sustainability, promoting the development of an integrated and sustainable corporate policy.
6.Collaboration with Society: CSR activities enhance dialogue and collaboration with the local community, stakeholders, and interested parties, promoting mutual benefit.
7.Sustainability and Environmental Preservation: Companies that prioritize CSR can reduce the negative impact of their activities on the environment, promoting sustainable development and the protection of natural resources.

CSR Strategy

At Ambiever, we support our clients in comprehensive CSR strategy planning, including:

1.  Setting Goals and Priorities: We define areas where the company can have a greater impact and where CSR initiatives would be consistent with its activities to contribute.
2.Management Awareness: We train senior management to support and collaborate on the implementation of the CSR strategy.
3. Integration with Business Strategy: We ensure that the CSR strategy aligns with overall business strategies and company objectives.

4. Engaging Partners: Through specific actions, we activate employees for active participation in designing and implementing CSR initiatives.
5. Assessment Criteria Definition: We establish measurable criteria for evaluating the performance of the strategy, such as social performance, environmental efficiency, and business growth.

6. Communication: We assist our clients in informing customers, partners, employees, and stakeholders about CSR initiatives and achievements.
7. Continuous Improvement: We regularly review the strategy and adjust it according to changes in the business environment and societal needs.

A well-structured CSR strategy can help a business achieve positive outcomes in terms of social awareness and business performance.

Design & Implementation of Actions

Designing and implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions require careful preparation, strategic thinking, and continuous evaluation. We provide support in the following steps:

Step 1: Setting Goals and Priorities
In collaboration with management, we define the company’s goals related to CSR. Which social or environmental issues do you want to address? What are the main sustainability concerns for your business?

Step 2: Social and Environmental Impact Analysis
We evaluate the impact of the company’s activities on society and the environment. What are the positive and negative outcomes of your actions?

Step 3: Program and Initiative Design
We design and develop specific programs and initiatives that will help address the issues we’ve identified. These could include philanthropic actions, environmental initiatives, social efficiency programs, and more.

Step 4: Integration with Business Strategy
We ensure that CSR actions align with your business strategy. How does CSR align with the company’s objectives and mission?

Step 5: Resource and Timeline Determination
We identify the required and available resources (financial, human, time) for implementing the chosen CSR actions.

Step 6: Implementation and Monitoring
We implement your programs and initiatives with consistency and commitment. We monitor their progress and performance, addressing any issues that arise.

Step 7: Communication and Promotion
We devise suitable actions to communicate your initiatives to the public, customers, employees, and stakeholders. Transparency and communication are vital for enhancing reputation and acceptance.

CSR Collaborations

Developing strategic collaborations in the realm of corporate social responsibility (CSR) can enhance the effectiveness of your efforts and broaden social impact. Through our extensive business network, we assist our clients in developing strategic collaborations by:
1. Identifying Common Interests: We identify CSR issues that align with both your company’s interests and potential partners’ interests. This can encompass social, environmental, economic, and other matters.
2. Research and Partner Selection: We research suitable partners who share similar or complementary CSR concerns. These could be other businesses, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, philanthropic organizations, and more.
3. Defining Common Goals: We discuss and define the common goals that can be achieved through collaboration. What are the expected benefits for each party, and how can you work together to achieve them?
4. Designing Joint Initiatives: We design joint initiatives to be implemented through the collaboration. These initiatives may involve social programs, environmental initiatives, educational programs, and more.
5.Allocation of Responsibilities: We determine who will be responsible for implementing and managing the initiatives. Additionally, we allocate responsibilities and resources for specific actions.
6. Communication and Promotion: We communicate the joint initiatives and their impact to the public, customers, employees, and stakeholders. Simultaneously, we promote awareness and recognition of the collaboration.
7. Continuous Evaluation: We monitor the progress and outcomes of the joint initiatives and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the collaboration.

Developing strategic collaborations can enhance social impact and contribute to achieving better results in the field of corporate social responsibility.

Outsourcing of CSR

Large companies operate extensive departments with specialized personnel for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. This is impractical for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, CSR holds equal importance for SMEs.

For this reason, at Ambiever, we offer the option of fully outsourcing the Corporate Social Responsibility department.


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